Tsavo National Park

Where expansive plains meet dramatic volcanic landscapes

Tsavo National Park​

Tsavo National Park is Kenya’s largest national park, divided into two sections: Tsavo East and Tsavo West. It is located in southeastern Kenya, with Tsavo East known for its expansive plains and Tsavo West for its varied terrain, including volcanic landscapes and lush springs. The park is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including large herds of elephants, lions, leopards, buffaloes, rhinos, and an abundance of bird species.

Park Location

Tsavo National Park is located in southeastern Kenya, about midway between Nairobi and Mombasa. It is one of the largest national parks in Kenya, covering an area of over 21,000 square kilometers. The park is divided into two sections: Tsavo East and Tsavo West, with the Galana River acting as the natural boundary between them. Tsavo East is known for its expansive plains and red earth, while Tsavo West features rugged landscapes, volcanic cones, and dense woodlands. The park’s location offers visitors easy access from both Nairobi and Mombasa, with major highways and railway lines running nearby, making it a popular safari destination for both domestic and international tourists.

Activities and Attractions in Tsavo National Park

Game Drives Discover Tsavo’s vast landscapes and diverse wildlife on guided game drives. Spot elephants, lions, giraffes, and more as you traverse savannahs and riverbanks.

Guided Nature Walks Take a leisurely walk with a ranger to explore Tsavo’s rich flora and fauna. Learn about local plants and track animals in the surrounding wilderness.

Visit Mzima Springs Mzima Springs is a breathtaking oasis within Tsavo West, featuring crystal-clear waters sourced from underground volcanic rock. As you stroll along the boardwalk, you’ll see hippos lounging in the cool waters and crocodiles lurking nearby. The lush vegetation and abundant birdlife create a tranquil setting, providing a serene contrast to the arid surroundings elsewhere in the park.

Explore Volcanic Landscapes Explore the Shetani Lava Flow’s dark, twisted rock formations. These unique geological features offer a glimpse into Tsavo’s volcanic past.

Accommodation in Tsavo National Park

Tsavo National Park provides a wide range of accommodation options to suit different preferences, from high-end lodges to rustic camps that immerse guests in nature. Satao Camp in Tsavo East is a luxury tented camp offering a unique safari experience, with views overlooking a watering hole where wildlife frequently gathers. Voyager Ziwani Camp, located in Tsavo West, is another excellent choice, featuring tented accommodations beside a dam, offering guests prime opportunities to view game. For those seeking a classic safari lodge, Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge in Tsavo West provides comfortable rooms, sweeping panoramic views, and convenient access to key park attractions. Each accommodation option ensures a memorable stay, with amenities and experiences tailored to enhance your safari adventure.

Best Time to Visit:

Dry Season (June to October and January to February):

  • Ideal for wildlife viewing due to sparse vegetation.
  • Animals gather near water sources, making them easier to spot.
  • Mild weather conditions ensure comfortable safari experiences.

Wet Season (November to December and March to May):

  • Lush greenery transforms the landscape into a vibrant oasis.
  • Excellent for birdwatching, with migratory species arriving.
  • Offers a scenic backdrop for nature photography.

Get Your Ticket

Discover the captivating wilderness of Tsavo National Park, where expansive plains meet dramatic volcanic landscapes. Experience thrilling game drives, explore unique geological features, and immerse yourself in the vibrant wildlife. Tsavo offers a safari adventure like no other, where each day is filled with excitement and natural beauty. Join us for an unforgettable journey into the heart of Kenya’s wilderness.