5 Days Best Safari Highlights

From the thrill of game drives to the serenity of hot air balloon rides at sunrise, the Masai Mara offers an unforgettable safari experience.

5 Days Best Safari Highlights

Day 1: Arrival in Nairobi and Transfer to Nakuru 

Your adventure begins with your arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi, where you’ll meet your safari guide. They will whisk you away to the scenic town of Nakuru, a journey through Kenya’s vibrant landscapes. Upon arriving in Nakuru, check into the luxurious Sarova Woodlands Hotel & Spa, your base for the night. After lunch at the hotel, you head to Lake Nakuru National Park for an evening game drive. Get ready to be mesmerized by the park’s vast array of wildlife, including its famous flamingos and rhinos. As the sun sets, you’ll return to the hotel for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 2: Lake Nakuru to Amboseli National Park

Start your day with a hearty breakfast at the hotel, then set out for Amboseli National Park. The journey offers picturesque views of the Kenyan countryside. By midday, you’ll arrive at Ol Tukai Lodge, nestled within the park’s borders, where you’ll enjoy a sumptuous lunch. In the evening, embark on a game drive through Amboseli, known for its large elephant herds and stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro. The evening drive offers a unique chance to observe the wildlife’s behavior as the day ends. Return to Ol Tukai Lodge for dinner and a restful night.

Day 3: Full-Day Safari in Amboseli National Park

Rise early for a morning game drive, a prime time to spot Amboseli’s wildlife. As the sun rises, the park comes alive with activity, offering great opportunities for photography. After the drive, return to the lodge for a filling breakfast. Later, visit a Maasai village to immerse yourself in the local culture, learning about Maasai traditions and daily life. In the afternoon, you can relax at the lodge or take a trip to Observation Hill, offering panoramic views of the park and Kilimanjaro. As the day winds down, enjoy another game drive, taking in the stunning African sunset. Conclude your day with dinner and a relaxing evening at Ol Tukai Lodge.

Day 4: Amboseli to Lake Naivasha

After breakfast, say goodbye to Amboseli and head towards Lake Naivasha, a serene freshwater lake in the Great Rift Valley. The drive allows you to experience Kenya’s changing landscapes. Upon arrival, check into Lake Naivasha Sopa Resort, where lunch awaits. The afternoon promises excitement with a boat ride on the lake, where you can spot hippos and a variety of bird species, including pelicans and fish eagles. The boat ride is a unique experience that sets Lake Naivasha apart from other destinations. As evening falls, enjoy dinner at the resort and settle in for a peaceful night’s sleep.

Day 5: Lake Naivasha to Maasai Mara National Reserve

Begin your day with breakfast at the resort, then set off for the world-renowned Maasai Mara National Reserve. This drive takes you through the heart of Kenya’s rich landscapes. Upon reaching Maasai Mara, check into Sarova Mara Game Camp, a luxurious retreat within the reserve. After lunch at the camp, set out for an evening game drive to explore the vast plains of Maasai Mara, home to the Big Five and many other species. This evening drive offers a taste of the thrilling safari experiences to come. Return to the camp for dinner and a cozy night’s stay.

Day 6: Full-Day Safari in Masai Mara or Return to Nairobi

This day offers two exciting options. If you choose to stay in Maasai Mara, start with an early morning game drive to catch the reserve’s wildlife at its most active. Return to the camp for breakfast, then relax and enjoy the camp’s amenities. In the afternoon, venture out for another game drive, exploring new areas and seeking out more wildlife. Conclude the day with dinner at the camp and a final night in the heart of the reserve.

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Alternatively, if you opt to return to Nairobi, start with breakfast at the camp and then depart for the city. Once in Nairobi, you can visit Nairobi National Park for a game drive, where you might see lions, giraffes, and rhinos against the backdrop of Nairobi’s skyline. Afterward, enjoy lunch at a local restaurant before heading to JKIA for your departure flight or checking into a Nairobi hotel if your flight is the following day. The Nairobi Serena Hotel offers a comfortable and convenient stay for your final night in Kenya.